Why Is Turkey Important Everyday Of The Year And Not Just On Thanksgiving?
We need to study prophecy that comes to us from different areas of the world to get a complete picture of the future that is at our door. The Greek Orthodox Saints have left a treasure trove of prophecy with a unique difficulty. Getting accurate translations are not easy. When you consider that the Greek language has seven words for love; no wonder we say, “It’s all Greek to me!”
I would like to familiarize you with the Prophecies of Saint Paisios. He is the newest Saint of the Greek Orthodox Church (1924-1994), canonized in 2015.
Some of his prophecies are quite controversial so before we get to them we need to do a study of this Saint’s life to determine just how much confidence we should put in them. Remember, the prophecy is only as good as the prophet is authentic. God usually gives a prophecy to a person who has a connection with that prophecy. This way we get more detail but there is also the danger of bias. If the seer is unusually close to God he may very well receive high quality prescient information as long as it would not threaten his humility and stunt his spiritual growth. So let’s get a little background on his life.
God always raises up Prophets to lead his people in times of darkness, lest they lose their way and think that their faith is without reason or worse that God does not exist! In these times of General Chastisement, even His own may be tempted to despair. St. Paisios provides that Light that shows what lies ahead beyond the darkness. Hs prophecies give hope. They calm the fears and anxieties of the unknown even as the lost ship cheers when the beam from the lighthouse illumines the darkness!
Elder Paisios, fervently believed that we were in the end of times. 200 years earlier St Cosmos gave some prophecies of the future. They were vague and he spoke of this as being far in the future. Many say St. Paisios clarified the older prophecies. But the reason is because what St. Cosmos saw was very far in the future. The closer we get to an object, the clearer it becomes and the more detail we pick up. No one, even the Son of God knows the time or the hour, we are still told to watch the signs and the seasons! St. Paisios believed the time was ripe, the stage was set and things were in motion! He once told some visitors, “Some of your children and grandchildren will witness some of the things that are in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. They are happening now slowly! The countdown has begun and nothing can stop it!”
We are told over and over by the “experts” to watch Iran, Syria, Russia and Turkey. Some even fret about North Korea and China. Somewhere in that plentiful mix a General War will come about!
I, myself, have said in previous articles that Russia will bring about the Third World War based on the words of our Blessed Mother!
But what is the catalytic event? Only St. Paisios sheds Light on this question! He foretells of an event, initiated by Turkey, against; guess who? Greece! (Their old nemesis.)
In case your grade school geography is a bit fuzzy, Greece and Turkey lay across the Aegean Sea from each other. However the part of Turkey that lies across the Aegean Sea from Greece, used to be Greece! Almost all the land that is claimed by Turkey was inhabited by Greek Peoples; they spoke Greek, their religion was Orthodoxy and their culture was Hellenic. The Turks came in and took over all this land including, Constantinople, the seat of the ancient Greek Empire known as Byzantium. It was renamed Istanbul! St. Paisios often referred to these lands as “our enslaved peoples”. He was a saint who was not afraid to make a political statement!
In Constantinople, lay the gem of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia! This church is the equal of St Peter’s to the Roman Church. Of course, it has been turned into a mosque.
With this background in mind, let us continue with the startling predictions of St. Paisios. He claimed that Turkey would invade Greece! Not Iran, Iraq, Syria, or Russia but Greece! ( Who said that history repeats itself? ) Not on land but by sea! They would send ships across the Aegean Sea and first attack some of the Grecian Islands. After all, Greece has tons of islands, and what’s a few islands between old friends? Turkey already took most of the Greek Empire, so why not come back for another piece of the pie?
But according to St. Paisios, this will be their fatal mistake! They will come first to the islands. St. Paisios gives us the specifics: “They will enter the waters of Greece, between 12 and 6 miles out, that is when it will happen!” Another time he said, “When they are 6 miles from our land then you will know the time has come!” They will also in time, invade the mainland.
Other prophets have said there will be a lot of devastation in Greece, but the Elder claimed there, “Would not be much damage to Greece only a few scratches!”
It’s possible, he did not wish to frighten his countrymen besides I believe he was speaking comparatively. Greece will get off easy compared to some of the other countries that will get involved. I believe his intense love to save his countrymen, as evidenced by his previous actions as a soldier, is what prompted God to give him a way to warn the people. A way to know when it was time to head for the mountains and the caves!
It’s hard to decide if Turkey is arrogant or just plain stupid! They have been harassing Russia like someone using a stick to poke a sleeping black bear. So far they have gotten away with it! This time, however, Turkey made a big mistake. Oops! They forgot that Greece is an Orthodox country! This provides Russia with an excuse. Shortly after the invasion of Greece, Russia will swoop into Turkey!
This is not an attack! This is all out War! It is said by another Orthodox prophet that Russia will not spare even one missile! After three days of this Turkey is in utter destruction! Then Russia enters with troops! Turkey in the meantime stops its invasion of Greece caught literally with its pants down and rushes home! But it is too late! Turkey is literally destroyed!
Everything destroyed except the Hagia Sophia!
St. Paisios tells us one third of the population of Turkey is destroyed, one third converts to Christianity and the other third runs deep into Asia from where they came. Russia tasting victory does not stop! She’s on a roll now!
The Elder continues, a group of Allied Nations ( NATO forces? EU? ) decide they must stop Russia! They go after Russia with all their might. With all this going on Russia cannot hold Turkey. Then in a strange turn of events, Russia decides to give it back to Greece!
Elder Paisios predicts Greece will recover its lost lands as well as the Hagia Sophia! Holy Masses will again be offered in the high church of Orthodoxy. He goes on to say that the Kurds (ever hear of those guys?) and Armenians shall also receive parts of Turkey for their own and Turkey shall be wiped off the face of the Earth! Turkey shall be destroyed because it was “a country formed without the blessing of God.”
The war with Russia quickly deteriorates into a worldwide conflagration, the details of which constitute subject matter for a future article. Suffice it to say, St.Paisios tells us that the eight to ten countries that join in the fight against Russia will all suffer great losses as will Russia!.
The purpose of this article was to inform you of what prophecy tells us about the start of World War 3. Also to give you a chance to judge the authenticity of the prophecies by a study of the prophet.
My lifelong study of Prophecy has shown me a high percentage of accuracy when there is a strong connection between the prophet and the prophecy given. No one could be more connected to these devastating prophecies about Turkey then our dear saint. After all he was forced to be a refugee from his homeland at the age of one because of Turkey and during his life leaves us a prophecy about the very destruction of Turkey. Somehow, I see this as Divine Justice! He was a faithful soldier in the Greek army and years later as a bearded Monk tells us that when “Russia hands over Constantinople to the Greek Army, they shall be far away. They will need to hurry to get there!” (Still keeping track of the movement of the Greek troops like in his signalman days.)
The Elder’s predictions of the start of World War 3 could be summarized like this:
When the Turkey gets into the Greece, things get hot and start cooking fast! The Russians come to dinner and when they’re done there isn’t any Turkey left (overs)!
A bit corny? Perhaps! But is it corny enough to help you remember it? As we go through these next years of the near future together I am well aware of the busy-ness that will envelop the lives of each of us. Maybe you will be driving the kids to a soccer game; under the dryer at the beauty salon or perhaps, in an airport waiting to board a plane when you happen to spot in the crawl under the CNN News; “something” about Turkish ships in Greek Waters. I hope an alarm will go off somewhere in the back of your mind. You might say, “Where have I heard that before? Seems there was something important I was supposed to remember about that, hmmm!”
Yes! I fervently hope that no matter when in the morning or afternoon it occurs; you WILL know what time it REALLY is! It is one minute to midnight! It’s rock and roll time! May you untangle yourself from mundane activities long enough to put your spiritual house in order!
If it’s been a long time since you’ve had a heart-to-heart with God, maybe this would be a good time to renew the relationship. Maybe an apology would be in order for the things you’ve done in your life that you always knew you really weren’t supposed to do but you kind of thought God wouldn’t notice and it really didn’t matter ‘cuz after all everybody was doing it! And what about that family member that you haven’t spoken to in 20 or is it 30 years? You can’t really remember how long and you certainly don’t remember what the argument was all about! Maybe it’s time to give them a call? You could tell them how much you’ve missed talking to them and how sorry you are that all these years have passed and maybe you could get together for a cup of coffee and play catch-up! Even if their response is negative, it certainly frees you from any responsibility for the animosity.
If you’re not the praying-kind, if the thought of religion makes you squeamish, you can still get connected to God. You can have that feeling of self-worth and dignity that comes from knowing you are more than your carnal desires. That you actually belong to God in a special way! It isn’t always necessary get on your knees to get “holy”. There’s more than one way to skin a cat! In the prayer that Jesus taught us to say we ask that God forgive us the way that we forgive others! So practice forgiving! That estranged family member. The driver in the car next to you who cut you off! That nasty clerk at the checkout counter. Forgive that you may also be forgiven! Then you will have peace, no matter what happens or when it happens!
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9
In fact why wait for the Turks to invade Greece? Why not start today? Go ahead! Forgive someone already! According to St. Paisios, it’s later than many of us think and for some of us; we may already be out of time!